A Tale of Representation without Taxation: Victoria Municipal Governance
It is a rather curious thing that property taxes are generally included in the rent. At first blush it would seem innocuous enough, it would seem that anything otherwise would be preposterous - after all, renters are comparatively disadvantaged while property owners are comparatively advantaged. Property owners have had enough good fortune to put aside enough for a downpayment and are also well enough off to have enough income to cover the mortgage should they require one. Surely, it is only fair that the liability for the property tax accrue to the owner of the property. Except, this leads to rather curious results, particularly when rents and tenancy are controlled - as they are in British Columbia, where renters then become immune to the spending decisions of their municipal government. Renters, as residents, are entitled to vote in municipal elections (as they should be), and are still full beneficiaries of the services provided by municipal governments - including polic...