Misconceptions about Victoria's Missing Middle Housing Initiative (MMHI)
Victoria, like many other cities across North America, has struggled with housing over the last 20 years, but particularly so in the last 10 years. Each passing year has seen house prices escalate even further beyond the grasp of lower middle and middle income earning families. Each passing year has seen market rents get loftier. Each passing year has seen the wealth gap between those who own and those who rent grow. In this context, with many flailing in an endless sea of escalating living expenses, reaching for anything that seems like it has any chance of providing some assistance. The capacity for rational thought about where we are, how we got here, and how we could possibly extricate ourselves from this mess long ago diminished. We're at the point where for many, the mantra of "any housing, at any cost" is acceptable to many, particularly those who are precariously housed - making enough to be beyond the safety net of social housing, but not enough to secure adequat...