To Love Where You Live is a Gift - The Next Struggle: Do I run?

For most of the past 25 years, I've called Victoria home, and for the past 13 years, home has been the same spot. Currently, we're relocated about 100 feet East while we rebuild what is hoped to be our forever home. While growing up, I had never lived in the same house for more than 5 years, so being in one spot for 13 (and what is hoped to be decades more) has enabled roots to grow and an enduring love of place to form.  

I recognize that I have been exceptionally blessed, and not a morning goes by that I do not wake up with gratitude for the life I have been able to lead. For the love and partnership of my husband, who has been a part of my life for nearly 15 years, for the two step-kids he brought into my life, for the two kids we added to the mix. For step-motherhood and motherhood. For my career as an economist, and now as small business owner. For the mentors and amazing leaders I've had in my life. For my education which enabled my career. For my friendships. Gratitude permeates my life.

Do not be mistaken, for while my life as it is, is blessed, the road here was not paved nor is my life absent challenges. I grew up in a divorced household. I've been bullied. I've worked minimum wage jobs. I had student loans. I've rented basement suites. I've had room mates. I've been unemployed. I've been self employed. I've had heartache. I've been a victim of crime and have suffered trauma. Through all of that, the take home was not, give up, it was keep going and if possible help others to do the same.

So here I am now, a woman who has a love of policy and good governance, who loves her city, her province and her country and above all loves her family, fiercely. A woman who has struggled, and likely will have struggles ahead (that's just life) and I am now thinking what next? I have been dismayed watching our city struggle, and cannot help but think - how can I help and how can I help best? 

When I struggle, I write - the last great struggle resulted in my first blog -, and this next struggle has brought me here, writing again. This next struggle is - do I run? I'm seriously considering it - and as I do, I'll write.  


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